Global Operations

Toro Steel Buildings ships worldwide. Anytime, anywhere – we’re ready to deliver.


Our salesforce includes fluent speakers in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German, Italian, Japanese and more.


We are proud to be clients of the Government of Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, powered by industry specialists in embassies around the world.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are certified to the elite national standards (CSA, UL, CE, JIS, etc..). Our engineers carry stamps for every Canadian province & territory, and for every US state. We design to the latest NBCC and IBC codes. And we are one of the only steel building providers with in-house foundation specialists.

global steel buildings canada

Pre-engineered steel buildings are especially regarded in parts of the world that face construction challenges. Precise, overlapping steel panels combine to become our Future Buildings arch system. They are watertight and highly resistant to snow, wind and seismic forces. They are easy to transport, even across rough terrain. They assemble with a minimum of skilled labour and are naturally fire-, pest-, and intrusion-resistant.

Pre-engineered steel buildings construction

We are rapidly growing our dealer network and overseas business. If you’re interested in selling Toro Steel Buildings in your country, we’d love to speak with you.